
    Jim Hudson Acura - Augusta, Georgia

    Web Disclaimer:

    While we make every effort to ensure the data listed here is correct, there may be instances where some of the factory offers, incentives, options or vehicle features may be listed incorrectly as we get data from multiple data sources. Please confirm details with one of our customer service representatives. You can reach us easily by calling or by visiting our dealership. Dealer cannot be held liable for data that is listed incorrectly.

    Pricing Disclaimers:

    New Vehicle Disclaimer: Customer must mention the advertisement to receive the advertised price. Prices exclude $699 closing fee, $49 electronic registration fee, and $2,445 dealer-installed accessories. New vehicles are typically equipped with dealer-installed accessories. Customers are not required to purchase dealer-installed accessories as a condition of sale. The price shown for in-transit vehicles is the manufacturer’s suggested retail price or MSRP, not the Dealer’s advertised sales price. Dealer’s sale price to be higher or lower than MSRP. Total MSRP includes destination and handling fee. Total MSRP excludes taxes, title, $699 closing fee and other options. Dealer sets actual price. Dealer price may vary from MSRP. Please contact the dealer for the sales price of in-transit vehicles. Certain offers or incentives may not be combined with special financing, leases or some other offers. All offers may not be combined with low APR. Acura Program offers are applied toward the capitalized cost reduction or down payment assistance of the vehicle.

    MPG and Range Disclaimer:

    Any MPG listed is based on model year EPA mileage ratings. Use for comparison purposes only. Your actual mileage will vary, depending on how you drive and maintain your vehicle, driving conditions, battery pack age/condition (hybrid only) and other factors. Any Range Rating listed is based on model year EPA Range Ratings. Use for comparison purposes only. Actual range will vary based on several factors, including temperature, terrain, battery age & condition, loading, use and maintenance.

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